Quick install guide



App tested only with Ubuntu 14.04, python 3.4 and PostgreSQL

All main parts of installation are automated with fabric. For production use, database configuration required only.

Demo setup

It is very easy to setup demo bviewer on virtual machine. All needed is application source code, virtual box and vagrant.
Copy your sample images to resources folder. And run vagrant.
vagrant up --provision
Open url and login. Demo account - demo/root. Admin account - admin/root. Enter profile page and create you first album. Admin console located on url.


Some ubuntu installations may required linux-image-extra-virtual package for unicode support in samba shares. Test with modprobe nls_utf8.


Almost all magic with server setup make fabric script. All you need to do is install PostgreSQL and correctly edit config files.
First install PostgreSQL and create database with role that has create permissions. Open configs folder in the project. Create basic deploy configuration by renaming sample files and move it to dev folder. conf.sample.txt -> dev/conf.txt. (local config for dev env)
app.conf.py - main application config. Enter valid database and email parameters. For detail configuration look Settings.
nginx.ssl.crt and nginx.ssl.kry - Nginx setup with both http and https access. Bu default samples crts used. You can override it in env config.
deploy.json - fabric config. Here you can set application version (source revision), domains (nginx server names and django allowed hosts) and list of sambas shares. The last is simple wrapper for mount.cifs.
Than run fabric. No meter if it first setup of update. The dev argument is configs/dev folder where we copy configs. You can keep any number of such folders for particular env.
fab -H root@bviewer.loc --set env=dev deploy